The Hanged Man (a poem on deviance)
For me, the image of the Hanged Man represents the value of seeing the world in a different way.
Hey friends,
The Hanged Man, as a symbol (best known from tarot card decks some people use), represents, to me, the value of seeing the world in a different way.
But this different view also comes with a few sacrifices. For example, having a different view makes you an outcast, deviant, by nature.
Not only to others but also within yourself. I.e., more exploratory and deviant sides of yourself can be in conflict with the more security-seeking parts, resulting in an inner battle.
I try to capture some of that symbolism in the poem I wrote below.
I am hanging here, by choice, to be your sight, Upside down, all day and night. For I see what you could see, Were you not afraid, to be me. You hang me upended, looking solely at my feet, For my stare, you are afraid to meet. In my eyes, you’d find the reflection of your soul, And see a life you could live differently, whole. But rather than accept change, you resist, Suppressing your fear, ignorant of what you missed. But no matter how much you try to cover the light, Cracks in your walls will only brighten, the darker the night. Still, you are sacrificing me as deviant, Because you have become reliant, On only shades of grey, Hoping you’ll never have a surprising day. So again, I say to you from the upside down, “I offer you a different view,” but you only answer with a frown. Such is being disconnected from the source, You do not know of your future remorse. As I hang here, cast out, I am free to explore, I grin, for my sacrifice will bring to the fore, A light, unable to ignore.
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this poem.